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Development Classes

What is a Home Development Class?

Home Development Classes are an opportunity to develop your personal Psychic / Medium / Spiritual skills in a supportive environment with other “like minded people”. They usually meet only once per month, and are designed to be a part of your life…not your whole life. These types of skills need to be “grown into…absorbed…processed” until they feel right for you.

What can I expect during a class?

Each class includes a meditation, a topic or lesson, and then finishes with each person actually doing an exercise to develop their personal skills. Each class covers a different topic or aspect of Psychic / Medium / Spiritual Development. The choice of topics is based on the comments and questions from previous meetings plus what I know is helpful to be understood overall. These skills are not ones that can be fully developed in a class or two. The classes are designed to build your working knowledge and skill level over time. They are for people who have been having “things” happen in their life that they would like to understand and control, and also for people who are not sure they have any skills but would like to try to develop them. These classes are for you if you want to use them professionally or if you want to use them only in your everyday life to enhance the journey.

Besides your personal development, these classes are an opportunity to be around like minded people where you are free to discuss topics and beliefs normally not discussed in your everyday world. Since 2001 when I began teaching these classes, I have seen quality friendships formed and people’s lives changed for the better as a secondary part of these classes. It’s been a joy to watch from my side.

Please always know what you came there to learn about Psychic / Mediumship is what I will teach so do ask those questions and let me know as we go.

Yes…these are skills you can learn and use everyday!!!

How can I sign up?

Classes are currently being taught in six cities in Florida.

For locations and details, please visit our full website here.

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